Annual Breakfast Business Meeting Committee. To facilitate the outreach and networking goals of the Division by scheduling and facilitating the Annual Breakfast Business Meeting of Division H to occur at the Association's annual conference.
Exhibits Booth Committee. To embrace the Division's goal of providing professional recognition by facilitating the displaying of submissions to the Outstanding Publications Competition along with other pertinent literature at an exhibits booth at the Association's annual conference.
Graduate Student Committee . To provide outreach and support to graduate student members of the Division by implementing and communicating activities developed to meet their specialized needs and represent the Division on the Association's Graduate Student Council.
International Relations Advisory Committee . To implement activities designed to provide outreach between Division H's international members and those in the United States who are interested in applied research and program evaluation studies and/or assessment and accountability activities in PreK-12 settings.
Membership Committee . To implement activities designed to reach out and inform individuals about the many benefits of membership in Division H with the hope of recruiting and maintaining members.
Mentoring for Early Career and Graduating Student Committee. To implement activities designed to provide outreach and support to Division H members who are entering or have newly entered an applied research setting.
Nominations Committee. To ensure that the Association's bylaw requirements are met in soliciting advice, nominating, and obtaining nominee agreement to serve and thereby providing a recommended slate of officers for Division H which support the affirmation action goals of the Association. The chair is to be the Immediate Past Vice President and other members selected in consultation with previous past leadership of the Division.
Outstanding Presentations and Discussants Awards Committee . To facilitate the Outstanding Presentations and Discussants Awards Competition including the development and dissemination of the process and rating criteria, oversight of the judging process, and announcement and recognition of award recipients designed to support Division H's efforts to recognize high standards in reporting research at the Division H Program conducted as part of the Association's annual conference.
Outstanding Publications Competition Committee . To facilitate the annual Outstanding Publications Competition including the dissemination of the Call for Submissions, development of rating criteria, determination and oversight of the judging process, and announcement and display of award recipients designed to support Division H's efforts to recognize high standards within applied research settings.
Program Committee. To provide oversight for the development of scholarly Division H Program conducted as part of the Association's annual conference and support general efforts of the Association's program.
Reality Test Newsletter Editor and Advisory Committee. To support Division H's communication efforts by producing a minimum of four newsletters with information about the Division and articles of interest to the membership.
Social Reception Committee. To assist with recognizing the networking goals of the Division by scheduling and facilitating the social reception held in conjunction with the Association's annual conference.
Web Site Committee .To support the Division H Vice-President, Secretary, and Committee Chairs in their use of AERA's Internet resources organize the work of the Division and to communicate with the wider membership of Division H on the conduct and dissemination of applied research in schools.