Message from SIG Chair
Welcome to the AERA Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development webpage.  We have an active SIG.  We hope that you find all of the content that you expect to see on this website!  If something seems to be missing, please email me at [email protected] and let me know!
March 2015
Del Siegle, AERA RoGCT SIG Chair

Like most of you, the school year is flying by quickly for me.

Our program committee, under the directions of Karen Reambo-Hernandez, put together another outstanding conference program that showcases the excellent research conducted by SIG members.

SIG members responded to Betsy McCoach's call for candidates and ran for SIG offices in record numbers. Congratulations to our newly elected program chair, David Dai; newly elected treasurer, Karen Rambo-Hernandez; newly elected student rep, Jeb Puryear; and newly elected board members, Jan Foreman and Alicia Cotabish.

The awards committee under Marcia Gentry's leadership selected outstanding Path Breaker and Graduate Student Travel Award winners (listed elsewhere).

The RoGCT Executive Committee will be meeting prior to our business meeting in Chicago. I hope most of you will be able to attend the business meeting and SIG social on Saturday night.  If you have issues you think we should discuss as a SIG, please send them to me 

Del Siegle
[email protected]

SIG Nov. 2015 Board Minutes

AERA ROGCT SIG Executive Business Meeting - Baltimore, MD

Saturday, November 15, 2014
Minutes taken by Hope Wilson, Assistant Program Chair
Approval of minutes, with minor changes

Treasurer’s Report
Sidney Moon
  • Current Balance- $9119.33 (as of September 2014)
  • Expenses this year:
  • $890 for social
  • $750 for graduate student travel awards
  • $30 for mentoring
  • Annual Income (from membership) averages about $2000
  • In short, we are working in a deficit, but we have a healthy balance. Some discussion about how to reduce cost for the social- $600 is more typical for the expenses here.

Nominations Committee
Betsy McCoach

  • Highly Contested Elections, healthy pool of candidates. Elections Committee will work on putting together the ballot.
  • New members to the committee are: Betsy McCoach (chair), Anne Rinn, and Sidney Moon. Ballot due to AERA by November 22, 2014.

Program Chair Report
Karen Rambo, Chair
Hope Wilson, Assistant Chair

  • 61 Submissions accepted (19 papers in sessions, 7 papers in 2 round table sessions, 9 posters in 1 session). This is a 57% acceptance rate.
  • We had 38 reviewers, with 37 completing the reviews, and 6 grad student reviewers. 6-7 reviews for each paper, plenty of feedback for each participant.
  • In the future, we will stay with 10 reviews per reviewer, to ensure quality feedback from the SIG.

SIG Social Event: Chicago

  • Karen will request a night for our business meeting (Friday night) to maximize attendance at social event afterwards.
  • Request help of local members to help find appropriate venue. Del will reach out to Paula to see if she can help and/or recommend a contact person. Rachel will assist as needed.
  • Del will contact local/national universities about possible sponsorship.

Business Meeting Speaker

  • We will attempt to locate local people who are related to gifted education, but outside of the field.
  • Susan will help facilitate contact with professors of economics at the University of Chicago.
  • Other possible candidates include Raudenbush, Bryk, or other faculty within and outside of the field.

Awards Committee
Marcia Gentry, chair

  • New members: Carol Carmen, Hope Wilson, Michael Matthews, and Scott Peters (pending).
  • Michael will send out an email to possible candidates for the travel awards, Karen will pull the possible grad students (first author on paper presented at AERA), and ratings. The committee will review the guidelines on the website and clarify as needed. Hope can set up a Qualtrics form for students to submit applications. Del will upload link to the website and Michael will send out in the email.
  • Committee will send out call for larger award later in the year.

Publications Committee
Del Siegle
Members: Del Siegle (chair), a graduate student (to be named), Matt Makel (pending).

  • In absence of the e-journal, the publications committee will serve to oversee the newsletter. Contents of the newsletter will include: updates from committees, informal interviews, news from the conference, updates from elections, and connections to other gifted organizations (R&E, CEC-TAG). All committee chairs will be responsible for submitting reports to the publications committee twice a year.

Mentoring Committee
Anne Rinn
Members: Anne Rinn, Kate Snyder, and Rachel Yung.

  • Everything is going well. The committee will solicit mentors and mentees after Christmas. Rachel will help spread the word to graduate students.
  • Change in the participants, the mentoring will be open to all graduate students (not just those without a gifted program at their university). Priority will be given to students not in gifted programs, and to first time mentees.

Wallace Symposium
Susan Assouline

  • Proposal to partner with AERA, ROGCT SIG for the Wallace Symposium, for AERA in Washington DC in 2016. Wallace would be pre-conference, for 1 ½ days, ending on Friday when AERA begins.
  • The board supports this move, and will continue to discuss details with Susan.

1. Treasurer's report - Sidney Moon

 - short version, in good shape

Brought in $2000, spent $1900 in the last year Around $11,000 currently in reserves Technically we currently are running a negative budget and could chew through reserves over some years so may need to consider the question in future of how we are using/taking in funds.

2. Mentoring committee report - Kate Snyder

Great year:

9 mentor apps and 1 invited mentor who accepted

6 mentee apps (2 declined, one no response) Great matches

Please continue to volunteer!

3. Newsletter report - Bess Wilson

2 issues, thanks for contributing

Actively recruiting new newsletter editor - email Del if you are interested A follow up email will also go out to recruit

4. Program chair report - Carol Carman

74 paper and 4 symposium submissions

Accepted 2 symposia, 18 papers in paper sessions, 17 papers in roundtables, 5 posters Thanks to reviewers; reminder that if you volunteer and are asked to review it is really important to complete the reviews Thanks to those who filled in to review at the last minute Please volunteer to review; also please volunteer to be a chair or discussant

5. Awards report - Michael Matthews

Thanks to the awards committee

Gave 2 grad student travel fellowship awards this year; reminder that student has to be lead or sole author and the paper has to be high quality Carlton Fong received one award; second to Enyi Jen Update on other awards: Michael Pyryt award not given this year, need for review of the criteria - watch for more news on that in future

6. Elections report - Marcia Gentry

Robustly contested elections!

Newly elected:

Mike Matthews - chair elect

Jill Adelson - secretary

Bess Wilson - assistant

Anne Rinn - member at large

Marcia Gentry - member at large

Rachel Cheung - grad student rep

7. Committee solicitation - Del Siegle

Four committees introduced, sheet going around, email to go around next week Awards committee - chair: Michael Matthews Membership committee - chair: Jill Adelson Publications committee - chair: Marcia Gentry Mentoring committee - chairs: Kate Snyder and Anne Rinn

8. Thanks to outgoing board members - Betsy McCoach

Betsy McCoach - chair

Marcia Gentry - past chair

Carol Carman - program chair

Catherine Little - secretary

Matt Makel - member at large

Kim Chandler - member at large

Jason McIntosh - grad student rep

9. Chair's report - Betsy McCoach

Discontinuation of the e-journal - determined by the board today after the survey of the membership Betsy thanked membership for all the work and participation, acknowledged past and incoming chairs

10. Old business - none

11. New business - none

12. Presentation of 2013 Pathfinder paper: When Less is More: Effects of grade skipping on adult STEM productivity among mathematically precocious adolescents by Gregory Park, David Lubinski, and Camilla Benbow

13. Presentation on history of gifted education - Joe Renzulli - moderated by Ann Robinson and Jennifer Jolly

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